Amgis Announces Certification to ISO 9001:2015


Amgis LLC is pleased to announce it’s been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certificate, continuing its commitment to quality and alignment with the highest standards.

DNV GL, an international registrar and classification body, awarded the certification. Amgis previously earned certification under ISO 9001:2008 in 2013, and the company has been audited and registered annually by DNV GL.

The ISO 9001:2015 standard focuses on quality management systems and overall company performance. It assists companies in developing a quality management system that’s also aligned with their business and personnel goals.

A major improvement to the 9001 standard is the inclusion of a risk-based thinking initiative and added accountability requirements in all organizational processes. These additions to the standard help improve internal and external company communications, production efficiency and implementation of a continuous improvement philosophy.

Amgis first began the transition process in December 2016 by completing a gap assessment of our Quality Management System. This assessment allowed us the opportunity to recognize areas to update and improve.

As an added measure, Amgis sent several key members of our staff to an internal auditor course to become Certified Internal Auditors. Having certified internal auditors on our staff gave us the opportunity to conduct stringent internal audits of all departments prior to our ISO 9001:2015 certification audit.

In January 2018, DNV GL performed the certification audit and soon after informed Amgis that we had been awarded the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certificate.

The transition to the 9001:2015 standard demonstrates our desire and continued commitment to the delivery of quality products. All of Amgis’ manufacturing facilities continue to be ISO 9001 certified as well.

You can view a copy of our certification here.

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